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Philippians 2:16

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1 Samuel–public readings (Chapters 17-31)

Section B–Chapters 17-31

Code         Title (Text)

1Sam031   David and Goliath–1 (I Samuel 17:1-11)

1Sam032   David and Goliath–2 (I Samuel 17:12-31)

1Sam033   David and Goliath–3 (I Samuel 17:32-37)

1Sam034   David and Goliath–4 (I Samuel 17:38-54)

1Sam035   Friendship of David & Jonathan Begins (I Samuel 17:55–18-5)

1Sam036   King Saul’s Jealousy of Young David Begins (I Samuel 18:5-16)

1Sam037   Saul Plots David’s Demise (I Samuel 18:17-30)

1Sam038   David Hated Without a Cause (I Samuel 19:1-7)

1Sam039   Is Saul Among the Prophets (I Samuel 19:8-24)

1Sam040   David and Jonathan’s Covenant (I Sam. 20:1-23)

1Sam041   Saul’s Intentions Exposed (I Sam. 20:24-34)

1Sam042   The Bond Between David and Jonathan (I Sam. 20:35-42)

1Sam043   David Encounters Ahimelech (I Sam. 21:1-9)

Section A Chapters 1-16